Right To Manage Process
The Law Commission reported on the reforms needed the to the Right To Manage (RTM) process in July 2020. Urban Evolution assists multiple groups of leaseholders in the setting up of RTM Companies and acquiring the Right to Manage which under the current legislation can be an incredibly burdensome task, especially when faced with Freeholders and/or Landlords who seek to exploit the legislation, often aided by firms of solicitors who raise highly technical arguments to thwart leaseholders in their attempts at exercising their statutory right.
Urban Evolution welcomes the findings of the Law Commission’s report and we hope to see the recommendations implemented by Government swiftly.
You can find the Right To Manage legislative documents below:
- Leasehold home ownership: exercising the right to manage summary 1
- Leasehold home ownership: exercising the right to manage summary 2
To delve further into the Right To Manage reformations visit the Government’s Law Commission website on Right To Manage
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